
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas Pampering Treats by Aupres

Just before entering December, the month of giving and loving (Christmas month mah!!), I spent the lovely morning with Aupres (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) I have heard a lot about Aupres (French for "next to you, close to you") being one of the favourite brands in China, so this morning was a great opportunity for me to discover more about Aupres.

When I reached Aupres counter at Parkson Pavilion, I saw that the beauty advisor was serving another customer. So I went to walk around for half an hour, came back, and the customer was still there =.=" The customer was there for the pampering treats too, so it means she has cut queue eh...anyway, 10 minutes later finally it was my turn, although my session was supposed to start 40 minutes ago...ouch wasting my time!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Self-empowerment with Dove Empowerment Workshop - the best event I have attended so far

I never knew that Dove is always committed to inspiring all women and girls to reach their full potential. Yes, Dove, the body care and hair care brand that is familiar in pharmacies and departmental stores. Dove supports partnerships with after-school programs, self-esteem building events and educational resources. Dove also supports a partnership with Alliance for Women in Media. Around the world, Dove has organised a number of Self-Esteem Project inviting all women to create a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. There were also workshops designed for girls, the Dove Self-Esteem Workshop for girls, to empower girls and promote new ways of thinking about beauty, body image and self-esteem with positive self-esteem building discussions and activities. Do you know that, each time you buy Dove, you help Dove and their charitable partners to provide inspiring self-esteem programming for girls?

Back here in Malaysia, Dove has set up the Dove Empowerment Fund, where via this fund and collaborations with various women organizations, Dove helps under-privileged women towards a better and more meaningful life. Recently, Dove has also organised the Dove Empowerment Workshop, where 100 selected women were brought to a series of self-esteem and empowerment exercises. And I was selected as among the 100 lucky women :)

Actually, this workshop invitation came to me by chance. I was merely sharing my concern on my hair fall problem via this Dove FB App. I have never expected that I would be chosen, but now I was so glad that I was and has attended the workshop, because it's the best event ever that I have attended thus far!! This workshop has really taught me a lot of life lessons!!

The workshop was held on 9 November 2013, at Impiana KLCC Hotel & Spa. As each participant was allowed to bring along a friend, I invited my dear Sis along...

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Delight-able Clarins Double Serum Event at Parkson Pavilion

Clarins has always been a brand that I'm interested in yet I have not bought any of its product yet...I missed the Clarins "Total Luminescent" Beauty Gathering some time in March because of I must not miss this Clarins "Double Serum" event woit!!!! Lucky me for seeing the event announcement on Clarins FB  :D

Date : 2nd November 2013 (Saturday)
Time : 10.30am to 1.00pm
Venue : Clarins at Parkson Pavillion

So the event were to start at 10.30am. I went with hb, and we reached Pavilion at about 9.15am. Why so early you might think. Because there would be door gift for the first 50 pax in line ^_^ However we realized there was no point to reach so early as the entrance doors were monitored closely by the security guards...everyone who walked in before the Pavilion official opening hour at 10.00am was chased out, including us. So we had our quick breakfast at a coffee shop, walked to the main entrance, and patiently waited until 10.00am. Boy, there were already so many people including tourists waiting outside!!

Once the main entrance door opened, I could see a few aunties who walked pretty fast towards the Parkson direction...whoops!! They could be here for the Clarins event too!! So we walked faster too and once we reached the Clarins Skin Spa at Parkson...oh no!!! There was already a long queue!! We quickly join the queue, although we were not sure if we were still within the first 50 pax. The first thing that we wondered was, how did they come in? Weren't the doors monitored by the security guards? There must be a secret entrance lol...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bag of Love October Edition: Say Boo!

Hi beauties!!!

If you have been following my blog frequently you'd know that I'm a fan of Bag of Love ^_^ Bag of Love is one of the booming beauty box subscription in Malaysia, but instead of a box, it comes in a bag...and the bag design varies every month!! I got to admit that sometimes I look forward to the bag design rather than the contents :P You can read more about previous Bag of Love in my blog (but I missed the debut bag March and June T.T)

I had my first encounter with Bag of Love in late April this year....I was selected as one of the 30 bloggers to attend the Unzipping Bag of Love Tea Party at Delectable Treats by Su...Thanks to The Butterfly Project, I got the chance to have my first hand on Bag of Love April edition...The event has actually became my turning point to venture into the blogosphere more meaningfully, although I'm busy with my work schedule (Talking about would have no idea how busy I am almost every single day!!!! That explains why I don't update this blog as frequent as I would have wanted to x_x )

Ok...enough of my rambles :P In this post, I actually wanted to introduce to you the Bag of Love Halloween edition; the Bag of Lice!!!!

I think it's kinda cool of Bag of Love to be a bit funny to name its Halloween edition as Bag of Lice...I mean, every other beauty box want to be as glamorous or as pretty as possible, but only Bag of Love able to be witty in view of the Halloween...and it works!! As far as I know, everyone loves it!!! And I love the idea!! Thanks to The Butterfly Project, again I was given the opportunity to review the Bag of Love, in their Blogging 101 Chapter 3....and of course, thanks to Bag of Love as the sponsor as well  (≧◡≦)

So, are you ready to dig into the mysterious Bag of Lice???? ~wooo~

Omg...are the lice climbing out????!!! Eww... ~(>_<~)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Perfect Wedding Photo Book

What does picture means to you? To me, it immortalizes the happy moment that I have and allows me to enjoy the moment again every time I look at the picture...and what does picture book means then? It crafts a story of the happy moments that I experienced that I was brought back to the time to cherish the memories again...

Few weeks back, my photo book from Pixajoy finally arrived. It is a photo book that tells the story of my wedding day....ok, my wedding was actually slightly more than a year ago but I was tooooooooooooo busy that now only I have the time to do it ~.~  (actually it's because the voucher was expiring soon :p)

Friday, November 1, 2013

My Beauty Diary 我的美麗日記 New Upgraded "COSPHINGO™" Product Launch and Press Conference

Every girl has a beauty diary in their heart to record all the beautiful memories. Regardless of tender soft or radiant white skin, there's an answer inside the diary. I guess that's the concept behind the popular mask's name? Because of My Beauty Diary, beauty dreams are achievable. With My Beauty Diary, you get prettier, day-by-day.

My Beauty Diary was my first ever mask. It was a birthday gift from my Sis few years back, and thanks to the mask, my skin didn't got peeled due to the fierce sun ray when I came back from a survivor camp ^^. Thus when I was invited to the launch of the My Beauty Diary New Upgraded 'COSPHINGO™' Face Mask, I was more than happy to go!! (Glad they postponed the event to a weekend ^.^)

My Beauty Diary New Upgraded 'COSPHINGO™' Face Mask Launch and Press Conference
Date: 26 October 2013
Time: 1.30pm - 4.00pm
Venue: Jusco Metro Prima Kepong