
Friday, November 1, 2013

My Beauty Diary 我的美麗日記 New Upgraded "COSPHINGO™" Product Launch and Press Conference

Every girl has a beauty diary in their heart to record all the beautiful memories. Regardless of tender soft or radiant white skin, there's an answer inside the diary. I guess that's the concept behind the popular mask's name? Because of My Beauty Diary, beauty dreams are achievable. With My Beauty Diary, you get prettier, day-by-day.

My Beauty Diary was my first ever mask. It was a birthday gift from my Sis few years back, and thanks to the mask, my skin didn't got peeled due to the fierce sun ray when I came back from a survivor camp ^^. Thus when I was invited to the launch of the My Beauty Diary New Upgraded 'COSPHINGO™' Face Mask, I was more than happy to go!! (Glad they postponed the event to a weekend ^.^)

My Beauty Diary New Upgraded 'COSPHINGO™' Face Mask Launch and Press Conference
Date: 26 October 2013
Time: 1.30pm - 4.00pm
Venue: Jusco Metro Prima Kepong

Since I reached early at about 1.10pm (in fact I was the first guest to arrive lol), I took the time to tour around the venue. There were several display counters set up to showcase the My Beauty Diary masks.

The new upgraded My Beauty Diary masks with the ingredient "COSPHINGO™"

The My Beauty Diary 10th Anniversary limited edition facial masks

The 2 boxes are the My Beauty Diary Limited Edition Collection Box

The staff were still busy setting up the venue...

Now let's check out some of the deco for the event....

Isn't this pretty and adorable? So dreamy and princess-like...

The deco can easily qualify for a themed wedding, lol...

By then it was already closed to 1.45pm yet the event hadn't started...I wondered what made the event delayed for so long? (@_@)

In fact, the agenda were totally contradict between the event flyer and the booklet...haiya... (-_-;)

Finally, the event started at about 2pm++ and, what??? A guy emcee?? To me, having a guy emcee for this event was totally not jived since My Beauty Diary promotes the dream of a girl. I mean, imagine a guy reading a girl's diary????? Oh well.....

The event then continued with the speech (a very, very short speech) by Ms May Soo, the Managing Director of Eternal Beauty, welcoming all of us. After the speech, it was then the presentation of the new upgraded COSPHINGO™ masks by a few models.

From left to right: 
Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizing Mask (for long-lasting moisturising, brightening and firming) 
Arbutin Whitening Mask (for brightening, whitening, firming and smoothening) 
Collagen Firming Mask (for intense plumpness)
Aloe Mask (for optimal moisturising, comforting and soothing)
Black Pearl Mask (for optimal whitening, brightening and moisturising)
Bird's Nest Mask (for nourishing, brightening, firming and moisturising)
Apple Polyphenol Mask (for tightening pores, brightening and clarifying)
Pearl Powder Mask (for brightening, whitening, nourishing and repairing)

The emcee then took over the floor and introduced the brand mask to us. Apparently My Beauty Diary is the #1 Facial Mask Brand in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. It has also won the HWB Award 2013 Watson Singapore and Asia pacific TOP EXCELLENT BRAND Award in 2012. Just recently in July My Beauty Diary earned the Guinness World Record when a total of 1213 people applying the mask at the same in Taiwan. I wonder whether there would be such event in Malaysia, at least to break the Malaysian Book of Records? ;-)

And how the natural extracted patented long-lasting moisturising ingredient COSPHINGO™ improve the masks? It was tested that:
  • It assists the skin to improve its moisture-retaining ability so that hydration is enough for all body needs. 
  • It also helps dehydrated skin to regain and maintain its softness and tenderness like a baby's skin. 
  • It helps maintain healthy skin by sealing in water for natural hydration.
The masks are all safe to use that they DO NOT contain:
  • paraben preservatives
  • alcohol
  • mineral oils
  • pigments and fluorescent agents
Yeah for safe products \(^o^)/

Beside the new launch COSPHINGO™ masks, the cloth sheet for the mask has been also upgraded!! The cloth sheet's materials are from imported high-purity, environment-friendly fiber to largely reduce the effects of impurities on skin. The elasticity and adherent structure instantly infuses skin with abundant moisture.

I volunteered for the demonstration of the mask fitting, and also efficacy testing. 

The most left- was me with the Black Pearl Mask; wearing half to compare before and after. 

The middle- was me after 20 minutes wearing the Black Pearl Mask on my right-side of face. Can you see the difference between before (left-side of face) and after (right-side of face)? I think it's not obvious in picture (^.^!!) Anyway, it was actually more moisturised, refreshed and smoother on the right-side of my face.

The most right- was me with the Aloe Mask for soothing after removing my BB Cream.

After the mask fitting, there was QnA session where lucky guests would get prizes (I said lucky because the emcee chose who he liked to answer those simple questions) and also the COSPHINGO™ advert video. All guests were then treated with light refreshment and that marked the end of the event. 

Posing with Ms May Soo, the Managing Director of Eternal Beauty

There were also sales on My Beauty Diary masks on that day at the same venue...check out the many counters that were set up....

Some of the masks on sale...many good deals leh.... o(≧▽≦)o

Each guest brought home door gift that included the 8 new upgraded masks with COSPHINGO™ (*^▽^*)

The following were my additional gifts; the diary notebook was an appreciation for volunteering for the mask demonstration, and the two masks were from the QnA session...

To know more about My Beauty Diary, join the FB Page: 
My Beauty Diary masks are available at Watsons, Guardians, SaSa, AEON and also MaskSlim

I have enjoyed myself during the event and would like to thank My Beauty Diary for having me at its product launch. (^_^)

Nonetheless, there were some incidents that turned me off that I would like to share here:

1) As a volunteer for the mask demo, I got a diary notebook as a token of appreciation which was ok for me but those who got so lucky to be chosen to answer EXTREMELY SIMPLE questions during QnA were given packs of products (one whole goodie bag each)? I believed my 'effort' was much more, having 'sacrificed' to have my (light) makeup removed in the public

2) There were not many of us, less than 20 I think, but the emcee would never choose me to answer questions during QnA (wtf??!!) I got the additional 2 masks because they accidentally dropped on my lap.

3) I didn't get to taste any of the refreshment snack or even the tea as I was doing my Aloe Mask and by the time I was done all were finished...the least the staff can do is to save some for me...

4) Were all the guests bloggers/media crews? Plain no...some, especially those guys, were accompanying their girlfriends (who are bloggers) yet can joined in the event activity...and there was this 'auntie' who told me she no longer blogs and only came for the goodie bag... (-.-!)


  1. i bumped into ur blog accidentally coz thinking what to write
    i agree with what u said, i was unhappy that day bcoz of the guy emcee
    i raised my hand all the times, but he seem like no see me raising my hand to answer questions
    instead he just focus on that certain group with pretty young ladies...
    may be they are still inexperience in doing such event...
    I wonder who is the aunty u saying...

    1. Hi Emily, thanks for your comment!!
      Yeap, I totally agree with you; the emcee was bias to certain group of ladies, and it felt awful to be treated as if I was invisible although I sat most front!! Inexperienced? Not sure, but that was not the first time My Beauty Diary having events...
      Haha, regarding the auntie, I didn't get her name but I was like "huh??!!" when I knew that she came merely for the goodie bag and has no intention to blog about the event...


Do you have anything to share? I'd love to hear from you (^-^*)/