
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bronzey and Glittery Nails with bloop Nail Polish

Hey pretties!!!

Did you enjoy my tutorial on applying the bloop nail strips? I hope you did cause I spent quite some time to explain in details and also included my personal tips and tricks lol !!! Constructive feedback is always welcomed though :D

And now in this post, let me teach you how to achieve bronzey, glittery nails with bloop nail polish!! \(^.^)/ The bloop nail polish I'm using here is H505, so be sure to check out this one when buying bloop nail polish ok?

Again, disclaimer want to confess that I'm still very much beginner in applying nail polish, in fact anything to do with nails, even though I have always been fascinated with all the pretty diy nail beauty that you can find millions in the internet....Internet is really a good resource to learn all kind of nail art, so you can save up rather than going to nail parlour, hehe...and diy result would always be more worthy and satisfying right? ;-)

So why bloop nail polish? It's quick drying, long lasting and ultra glossy!! And super bling-bling too lol :D

Now let's get started... :D

Step 1: Pick up your favourite nail polish
It could be any color and any texture!! Here I'm using the bloop nail polish H505, which is bronzey with slight sure to check out other bloop nail polish at HiShop :D

Step 2: Gather all the other necessary supplies.
So I have here the top coat and the base coat, and of course cleaned nails!! You may also need cotton balls, nail polish remover, just in case :) Oh, in this demo, I'm going to do it on my toe nails instead of finger nails...Make sure your nails are cleaned and trimmed...but pardon me for my quite dry foot yeah...(woo woo~ any remedy for this? Body lotion? Or maybe I should start using the foot mask again >.<)

woo woo...dry foot :(

Step 3: Paint nails with base coat first.
Applying nail base coat will help nail polish to stick easily...the base coat creates a barrier that helps protect nails from the damaging effects of nail polish. It prevents staining and peeling, and it will give your polished nails a more even texture. Use those with strengthening benefit ^_^ 
After apply base coat, let it to dry...

Step 4: Paint nails with nail polish.
Make sure your foot (or palm) is firmly on a flat surface. I usually start from cuticle end, centre and stroke gently in a straight line towards the nail tip. Then move on to stroke from right side cuticle to tip, and then left side cuticle to tip. 
As this bloop nail polish is quite thick, one layer is enough (for me) :) Otherwise, let the nails dry before applying the second layer.
After the nails have dried, clean up the mess if any (like mine below =.=") using nail polish remover.

oh no, what a mess >.<"

Step 5: Paint nails with top coat.
Apply a layer of top coat after the nail polish has dried completely. Top coat helps prevent the color from chipping and also to add extra shine and gloss.

Step 6: Clean up any mess, if any...Else, you are done :D :D :D

Ok, now pardon me if my work is not so pretty lol...I know it's a mess but I'm improving my skill, and anyway, basically that's how I paint my nails lah, haha....

Oh, I found one good illustration here on how to paint your nails perfectly:

Itching to try your hand on nail polishing too right? ^_^ Go get the bloop nail polish :D I like that the texture is quite thick that one layer is sufficient for me lol, and it's quick-drying too...Best of all, I like the bronzey color so much!! Look so cool on my nails :D And with the glittering effect, it's so chic and glamour ^v^ Best of all, it's only RM28 for 3 bottles (3 different colors) at HiShop!! Affordable right, I know...:D :D

For more information on bloop nail polish, head on to:
bloop FB page: (don't forget to 'Like')
HiShop FB page: ('Like' this too, lol)
Buy bloop at HiShop:
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Have fun beautifying your nails :D :D

Disclaimer: Product was sent to me for review consideration but that doesn't affect my judgement and review. I'm not paid nor obliged to write good things. Please refer terms of use, thank you.

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