
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Yves Rocher La Gacilly Special - once bitten, twice shy

Things from France are always romantic, isn't it?

Yves Rocher created the Botanical Beauty some 50 years ago, in the attic of his family's home in Bretagne, France. He set his sight on the treasures of the botanical world and its infinite potential. The visionary man insisted the controlling of every step of the production cycle to guarantee quality and safety.
Having discovered the properties of plants is not our biggest achievement. Making them accessible to all women is the source of our pride. -- Yves Rocher
Beauty discovery with organically grown plants, to make women more beautiful and confident... sweet!!!

Last month, from 12-18 August, Yves Rocher organised a La Gacilly Special at Mid Valley. You can buy a RM50 Beauty Discovery Package which was redeemable for RM50 worth of products and also included full skin analysis or professional makeover with photoshoot, skin moisture check, scent personality discovery and fun photo session. There were also plenty of promotions, discounts and GWP.

Well, I didn't buy the Beauty Discovery Package, but I won the Makeover and Photoshoot  ( ^∇^ )

* click on image for sharper view *

My slot was on 17 August at 11:30am if not mistaken...when I reached there I informed the crew there that I was there for the makeover and photoshoot...then she handed me the beauty discovery package ticket, and from then on I was treated like VIP lol...I underwent the skin moisture check, the makeover and photoshoot, and then the scent personality discovery and skin analysis via a machine...I think the girl that led me is a marketing staff (or similar) of Yves Rocher as she did not wear uniform like other promoters...

This girl (I forgot her name, let's name her 'Miss A') was very good indeed in pushing me to buy something...and I got to say it was really difficult to say 'No' to her (x_x ;) But because I thought I have the RM50 voucher redeemable against products, so I picked those I really need like the new Hydra Vegetal booster serum, scrub and body wash gel (buy 2 free 1)...moreover Miss A is giving me 20% discount; good deal huh? 

Then another crew suddenly came to me and asked whether I have paid the RM50 ticket...I was like; huh??? Seeing me giving a blank response, Miss A asked whether I was the winner of the makeover and photo shoot...then only I knew, she knew and the crew knew, that there was a mistake (◎_◎;) I was supposed to be entitled to ONLY the makeover and photo shoot, and not including the rest...Miss A apologised for the confusion and then asked if I still want to purchase the products...of course I say no!!! That was not my intention to come here at the first place!!!!

But well, after pressured from Miss A (yes, I did feel pressured), I finally bought only the Hydra Vegetal booster serum...cost me RM99 for the 30ml bottle, with no discount =.=" But at least she gave me a trial kit for the Hydra Vegetal skincare (p/s: review will be up anytime soon, so stay tune with me ^_^ ) I guess that's a little consolation huh?   ╮(╯▽╰)╭  After making my payment, Miss A just went away; very different treatment from previous...well, sales made, so I brings no more benefit I guess? Lol...that's how reality works...

Oh ya...this is the outcome of my makeover and photo shooting...Nice? This time, I chose a landscape orientation instead of portrait which I have plenty from KOSÉ photo shooting...personally like the backdrop so much; so countryside feel, so calm, so romantic...  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

And no, I didn't buy the other poses or the soft's not cheap you know, cost few this kind of photo shooting, the photographer would take many pictures of you in few poses and props, and then persuade you to purchase the album package or the soft copies...I would just say; no, no, no and no...

Before ending this post, I want to talk about the make up artist...This was the first time I was made up by a guy...make up not bad, but this guy was a bit 'rough', and 'kecil hati' (I can't find the English word for 'kecil hati' >_<)  

Let me tell you why....he was quite friendly when making up me..till when he asked whether I would like to put on the false eyelashes, which would cost RM10...I said no need; but he insisted that without the falsies my eye make up would not be so nice in picture...again I declined and said it's ok...and immediately you can see this guy's face turned black   (一。一;;)  When he started the hairstyling; "Yer....your hair got a lot white dot dot dunno what is that....aiyer" and acted like it's very 'geli' to touch my hair...

Can you imagine how pissed off I was? I know my hair well; it's flat, a bit less on the top but definitely doesn't have the 'white dot dot' or whatever rubbish he claimed...and nobody ever told me that I have this 'white dot dot' except him, so I concluded this was a way of revenge to make me embarrassed for not buying the falsies (what a low retarded tactic!!! ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ ) There was no mirror in front of me during the hairstyling, so I couldn't refute but to just keep mum...

Look at the picture below; genuine and not you see any 'white dot dot'?   (¬_¬)

It was supposed to be a happy occasion for me to have won the makeover and photo shooting, but nah...I don't think I would ever attend any Yves Rocher roadshow in the near future for the time being...but don't worry, I would be fair in judging the Hydra Vegetal range that I got...stay tune with me!!!  (´ε` )♡

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