
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Unboxing Natta Cosme Mini Beauty Box!!

It always made my day when I saw my name as the lucky one of some giveaways or contests or events...well, who doesn't? And so, I was literally jump up and down when I was selected as the chosen ones to be on board for the Natta Cosme X The Butterfly Project review program on the Thayers Toner ヾ(^^ゞ)

Patiently waiting for my parcel to arrive, I was only eager to try on the acclaimed toner and then share my thought...It was never in my plan to blog about the unboxing experience (like what I did with Bag of Love)...then the Nationwide Express parcel finally arrived and when I saw the box with all the laces, I KNEW I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT IT because it's way TOOOOOOOOOO CUTE and SWEET of the Natta Cosme team that I feel like I'm receiving my Christmas present early!!! (≧◡≦)

Ta-dah!!! The box...Natta Cosme box....with the border lace!!! So awesomely cute!!!

At the other side, there's even my name scribbled on the box....I love the personalization so much!!! ^_^

I opened the box from bottom...then I knew I opened the wrong way; it's supposed to be from top oppssss.... Anyway, there is a red color wrapping, but the opening is at the 'bottom' because I opened the wrong way :P

Took the red package out and overturned it...and greeted with yet another adorable detail; a "Thank You and For You" sticker!!! Aww....~~~~

These are the contents; basically there are 3 items in the red, this is totally unexpected...I thought I was supposed to receive only the Thayers Toner, but looks like the Natta Cosme team have put in something extra for me...look at the cute packaging!!!

Not only the packages are lovely, they are sealed with adorable stickers as well....

Item 1 content revealed!!!

Inside the pinky envelope with flower motif are actually 'love letters' to me hehe...  (◡‿◡✿)

Item 2 content revealed!!!

This is so unexpected!! Twenty quality cotton pads to complement with the toner :D

This is cute...the Clinic Natta Cosme has prescribed me a 'medicine' to 'read', lol...The little note is rolled with a golden ring securing the roll...

Uh says using cotton pads to apply toner on face is better for absorption to skin, and then ask for my opinion....Well, to me, it depends on the toner...some toner are meant to be pat by hand, not wiped by cotton pad..example the Hada Labo toner...anyway, personally I prefer toner that are to be used with cotton pad :P

Lily Bell Lilian Puff....I didn't know that cotton pad can have a cute name...!!!  =>v<=

Item 3 content revealed!!!

Beside the toner, I was also given a sample sachet of the Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream. I have read a lot reviews on this product, so now I can try it, albeit only a sachet size :)

There's even a note behind the sachet. Too bad parts of the wordings are wet and spoilt thus I do not know what was written actually? 

And last but not least, the main star of this lovely parcel from Natta Cosme, the Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera Toner!!!! Erm...I'm not going reveal in this post whether the product is good or not, pricey or not. That would be in my next post ,so stay tune ^_^

Thanks to The Butterfly Project and also Natta Cosme for the review opportunity.

If you are interested in purchasing the toner, don't forget to come back to check this blog and I'll announce a special offer just for my dear readers (ノ>▽<。)ノ (woah...excited....)

Check out the special offer here >v<


  1. Wow they really put an efforts on the packaging. Congrats being selected ^^

    1. Indeed!!!! That's why I blog about the packaging in honour of the effort ;-) Thanks Maggie!!


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