
Sunday, April 21, 2013

I want to attend the "Unboxing Tea Party"

When I first saw the "Unboxing Tea Party" announcement in The Butterfly Project FB Page, my first thought was... "Omg omg!!! I'm going to attend this!!!!"...

The requirement to enter the contest is, to blog about why one wants to attend the exclusive party, brought by The Butterfly Project, in collaboration with Bag of Love and Delectable by Su...

So now you have gorgeous makeup, exclusive beauty care, sweet treats, yummy-licious food in mind, don't cha??

Image source: femalemag

That is why I cannot miss this!!!!    >_<

Now...I'm not going to be long winded talking about the event or the sponsors, cause I believe you can easily find the details in the Bag of Love webpage or Delectable by Su webpage...or even in other applicants' blogs...

I'm going to be straight to the point....presenting you, on why I want to review and/or come to the Bag of Love, Unboxing Tea Party at Delectable by Su... ^_^

Are my reasons good enough? 

Let's wish I will be one of the lucky invitees :D :D

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Condolence to Boston Marathon Explosion Victims

I would like to take a moment to express my deepest and heartiest condolence to the victims and their families in the recent bombing attack at the finishing line of Boston Marathon on 15 April 2013, which coincides with the US Patriot Day.

Boston Marathon, the world oldest marathon dating back to 1897 and drawing more than 20,000 runners each year, was hit by what was described as the worst bomb explosion after the 11 September 2001 attack. 3 were dead and more than 100 were injured...

If you haven't know about this incident, you may read at the CNN, BBC or abc news webpage. Even if you search "Boston Marathon" I'm sure the search engine would return thousands of results....

Image source from

Monday, April 15, 2013

The Lavender Scent at Crabtree & Evelyn

Who will not fall in love with a wide field of lavender? Lavender, the common name of Lavandula, are cultivated extensively for its various benefits e.g. therapy oil, medication, culinary herbs or as landscape beautification.

Personally, I am not really fond of lavender on its own as one stalk...but I'm crazy about lavender field!!!

I have always wanted to go Hokkaido to surround myself with the scent of lavender and the color of the light purple everywhere. Imagine, standing in the middle of lavender field with sunrise as the background...or, picnic with my loved one in the middle of the lavender feels so serene, so calm, feels like a start of a new brighter day lol....but my dream has yet to come true...heck, I promise I would be there one day, hehe...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Open Hyperlinks in new Tabs or Windows automatically...

I have always wondered whether there's a way for ALL hyperlinks on my blog to open in a new window...Searched the web, and most of the tricks that I found need to install a third-party widgets, which instantly turned me off...

But a friend had been kind enough to teach me this simple's really amazingly simple, hohoho ^^ (happy MooN!!) 

And I'm gonna share the trick with you here :D :D

Step 1: Go to your blog Design, and click on "Template" menu. Then click on "Edit HTML" button.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The 'Not-so-mini' Origins Mini Facial

Origins is quite new to me...Only recently I knew about this skin care brand....yeah, dumb me =.="

As I'm all for less-chemical products, Origins is a good pick!! Origins pride itself in the 100% natural essential oils in its skincare may read more from Origins website...

Like Origins tagline...

A quick check on its website led me to sign-up to redeem a 2-day sample of Origin's latest product, the Dr. Andrew Weil Mega-Bright Skin illuminating serum...

Register for sample here while still available

But I'm not going to talk about this product here; I'm sure you can find it abundantly on the web...

What I want to share with you here is the Origins Mini Facial!!